Improving Networking Supports for Women in the Workplace


This report describes findings from research on networking activities and strategies among women in executive and leadership positions in Canadian organizations. The project was carried out by graduate student researchers in collaboration with the Women\u27s Executive Network. Networking is defined as the creation and maintenance of a community of diverse interests, through in-person and online engagements, that can be mobilized for the benefit of oneself or other members of one’s network. We found that the shift to primarily online networking activities due to COVID-19 removed some existing barriers related to age, gender and location, while introducing others related to family status and technology. Participants indicated that they engaged more frequently in online networking activities but found in-person networking to be more effective. We offer nine recommendations for supporting women\u27s professional success through networking based on analysis of 6 interviews, 85 survey responses and observation of online networking activities and events

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