
Wavelet-based EMG Sensing Interface for Pattern Recognition


Department of Electrical EngineeringAs interest in healthcare and smart devices has increased in recent years, the studies that are sensing and analyzing various bio signals, such as EMG, ECG, and EEG, have been growing. These studies and advances in smart devices have allowed human to increase access to their own physical information. With the physical information, human can diagnose himself or herself. These advances in technology will improve the quality of human life and provide solutions in various fields. The convergence of information and communication technologies has led to the fourth industrial revolution and the development of artificial intelligence, big data and the Internet of Things(IoT) by increasing computing power has led to various data analysis using machine learning. Various fields are moving toward the next level using machine learning, and this trend is also happening in the healthcare field. The era of self-diagnosis begins when medical knowledge, which had previously been entrusted to doctors is passed directly to consumers through big data and machine learning. Thanks to these developments, the healthcare interface, such as front-end integrated chip, is also working to leverage machine learning to deliver various solutions to consumers. Existing papers related to bio signals are focused on reducing power consumption, allowing long-term monitoring or reducing various noise. This paper provides an idea to extend the scope of data processes through machine learning while maintaining existing trends. Wavelet transform is implemented as a circuit to reduce computing power and eliminate specific frequency range including noise and motion artifact. The data from the chip is transmitted to external device (MATLAB) by wireless communication (Bluetooth) to be analyzed by machine learning. This paper present wavelet-based EMG sensing interface which includes front-end amplifier, wavelet filters, Analog to digital converter and Microcontroller. The main idea of the paper is front-end amplifiers which reduce a noise and motion artifact, wavelet filters that decompose the input signal for wavelet transform and machine learning for gesture recognition.ope

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