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Department of Management EngineeringFirms participating in printer industries have invested their constrained resources into technology development in order to sustain their competitiveness in the industry. Considering the fast-changing market circumstances, each firm???s own investment decisions on technology portfolio may directly affect their performance. In this study, we analyzed patent data, namely number of forward citations and technological classification data (CPC). Using this data, the technological portfolio of a specific firm can be identified, which can further help our understanding on firms??? R&D investment strategies. Number of studies mainly focused on patent class combinations of individual technology level, but portfolios of patent class at a firm level have been understudied. In this study, we tracked the change of class composition within each firms??? technological patents??? portfolio and attempted to identify practical and theoretical implications to portfolio management. We utilized Entropy Index, Co-occurrence and cosine similarities measurements for each indicating diversification, patent scope and portfolio similarities within each patents??? classification subclasses. Additionally, performance evaluation of each portfolio is conducted using forward citation data. This paper shows that in-depth patent data analysis can allow us to explore deeper insights at various levels, individual technology, products and product lines, and firms sufficing different stories.ope

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