Intergenerational Transmission of Functional Connectivity Profiles in Isolated Reading and Math Networks: A Scoping Review and Study Proposal


The scoping review surveyed the existing literature on the topic of resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) and mathematical cognition. The review revealed that rsFC is indicative of distinct long-term developmental trends in mathematical processing, alluding to individual differences in math abilities. Though there have been multiple studies that investigate individual differences in functional connectivity patterns related to math development and math learning disorders, no study has directly investigated to what degree these neurobiological factors are heritable. To address this topic, the following intergenerational transmission (IT) study is proposed. IT is the transfer of personal values, abilities, behaviours, and traits, from parents to children (Durlauf & Blume, 2016). A recent study conducted by Takagi et al. (2021) investigated the effects of IT via neurobiological substrates. The investigation was primarily concerned with whether identification of a parent-child dyad was possible based on brain similarity, using both structural and functional information. Using a similar method as Takagi et al., we plan to use data from the Parents and Children: Measuring Academic skills using Neuroimaging (PACMAN) project to investigate whether parent-child dyads are identifiable based on brain similarity - specifically using the reading- and math-related networks. Similar to the Takagi et al. (2021) study, we predict that parent-child dyads will be identifiable based on functional connectivity profiles localized in reading- and math-related brain networks

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