Analytical Modeling of the Interface between Lightly Roughened Hollowcore Slabs and Cast-In-Place Concrete Topping


Hollowcore slabs are commonly used in different types of structures. They are usually topped with a 50 mm concrete topping. Structural engineers can use this topping to increase the slab load carrying capacity. North American design standards relate the horizontal shear strength at the interface between hollowcore slabs and the concrete topping to the slab surface roughness. This paper presents results of four push-off tests on hollowcore slabs supplied by two manufacturers and roughened using a conventional steel broom. The tested slabs sustained higher horizontal shear stresses than those specified by the design standards. Utilizing the data from the push-off tests, an analytical model was applied to evaluate the shear and peel stiffnesses, ks and kp, of the interface between hollowcore slabs and concrete topping. Structural engineers can utilize ks and kp values to model the composite action between hollowcore slabs from the two manufacturers and concrete topping. The analytical model was also used to evaluate the actual distribution of shear and peel stresses

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