Heath-PRIOR: An Intelligent Ensemble Architecture to Identify Risk Cases in Healthcare


Smart city environments, when applied to healthcare, improve the quality of people\u27s lives, enabling, for instance, disease prediction and treatment monitoring. In medical settings, case prioritization is of great importance, with beneficial outcomes both in terms of patient health and physicians\u27 daily work. Recommender systems are an alternative to automatically integrate the data generated in such environments with predictive models and recommend actions, content, or services. The data produced by smart devices are accurate and reliable for predictive and decision-making contexts. This study main purpose is to assist patients and doctors in the early detection of disease or prediction of postoperative worsening through constant monitoring. To achieve this objective, this study proposes an architecture for recommender systems applied to healthcare, which can prioritize emergency cases. The architecture brings an ensemble approach for prediction, which adopts multiple Machine Learning algorithms. The methodology used to carry out the study followed three steps. First, a systematic literature mapping, second, the construction and development of the architecture, and third, the evaluation through two case studies. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the proposal. The predictions are promising and adherent to the application context for accurate datasets with a low amount of noises or missing values

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