
Launch environment data logger design and implementation for CubeSats


Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2016Designing to the CubeSat standard has allowed many universities the ability to launch satellites missions to space. These small satellites are secondary, or even tertiary, payloads on launch vehicles. In fact, these ride-share payloads are frequently used as ballast for weight and balance of the launch vehicle and are often mounted near the engines. The environment experienced by these CubeSats is not well known. The Launch Environment Data Logger was designed to measure temperature and vibrations of the launch vehicle to better understand what kind of environment these small satellites must survive on their ride to space. Through this thesis the requirements of the Launch Environment Data Logger system are established and the initial design developed.Chapter 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Before There Were CubeSats -- 1.2 Poly PicoSat Orbital Deployer and CubeSats -- 1.3 Background of Alaska Research CubeSat -- 1.4 ARC1 Mission Objectives -- 1.5 ARC1 Mission Objective 1 and the Creation of LEDL -- Chapter 2 Launch Environment Data Logger -- 2.1 LEDL Overview -- 2.2 Power System -- 2.3 Launch Detection -- 2.4 Sensors -- 2.5 Microcontroller and Control Modes of Operation -- 2.6 General System Hardware and Operation of System -- Chapter 3 Critical Component -- Power System Design -- 3.1 Requirement Overview -- 3.2 System Power Analysis -- 3.3 Strawman Energy Analysis -- 3.3.1 Batteries -- 3.3.2 Voltage Regulator -- TPS60310 Voltage Regulator -- TPS63001 Voltage Regulator -- LTC1610 Voltage Regulator -- Regulator Decision with Power Analysis -- 3.3.3 Switch -- Switch TPS2115A -- Switch LTC4412 -- Potential Switch Energy Analysis -- In-House Power Switch -- Chapter 4 Critical Component -- Launch Detection -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Launch Detect Requirements -- 4.3 Detection Methods -- 4.3.1 External Signal -- 4.3.2 Reed Switch -- 4.3.3 Piezo Electric Sensor -- Chapter 5 Critical Component -- Sensor Selection -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Requirements -- 5.3 Sensors -- 5.3.1 Accelerometers -- 5.3.2 Temperature Sensor -- 5.3.3 Support Hardware -- Chapter 6 Software - Control Modes of Operation -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Code Initialization -- 6.2.1 General Code Setup -- 6.2.2 Launch Detect Setup -- 6.2.3 Memory Card Setup -- 6.2.4 Sensor Setup -- 6.2.5 Main Functions Called -- 6.2.6 Mission Support Setup -- 6.3 Check Mode --6.4 Low Power Mode and Launch Detect -- 6.5 Log Launch Data -- 6.6 Mission Support -- Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work -- 7.1 LEDL System Hardware and Software -- 7.2 Future Hardware and Code Improvements -- 7.3 Future Testing -- 7.4 Conclusion -- Appendix -- Bibliography

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