
Book Review of Village Journey by Thomas R. Berger


This review is as submitted to the Tundra Times. A revised version of the review, as edited by Tundra Times editorial staff, was published as "Doctrinal Overload Flaws Berger's 'Village Journey'" by Stephen Conn, Tundra Times, 23 Sep 1985, pp. 7, 11–12.This article reviews Village Journey: The Report of the Alaska Native Review Commission by Thomas R. Berger (New York: Hill and Wang, 1985). The Alaska Native Review Commission, headed by former Canadian parliamentarian and justice Thomas Berger, initiated an inquiry into the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) in 1984, visiting 62 villages and hearing 1600 residents to determine ANCSA's impact on Alaska Native lands and communities. Berger found that ANCSA had placed Native land at risk, endangering not only its title but the rights of Alaska Natives to subsist upon it.Book review / Appendix: Letter to Justice Thomas Berger, October 28, 198

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