Exploration of Factors Promoting and Inhibiting Fast Food Consumption among Adolescents


Introduction: In recent years, fast food consumption has increased among adolescents and it has become a concern, a health threat, and a major health problem. There are few studies and evidences about factors promoting and inhibiting the consumption of fast food. This study aimed to identify factors promoting or inhibiting the consumption of fast food among adolescents. Method: This qualitative study was conducted in Tehran. Using purposive sampling method, a total of 42 adolescents were enrolled in the study. Data were collected using in-depth, semi-structured interviews. Results: According to the findings of this study, all factors inhibiting the consumption of fast food were classified into three main themes: personal views, social and family inhibiting factors. And promoting factors include: personal views, social and family promoting factors. Conclusion: This study identified the factors promoting and inhibiting the consumption of fast food among adolescents. According to the results, the factors promoting fast food consumption were stronger than the inhibiting factors. In other words, there are many factors promoting adolescents to consume fast foods. The findings of this study can be a valuable groundwork for designing interventions for reducing the consumption of fast food; however, more research is needed to investigate and understand effective strategies to reduce fast food consumption in adolescents

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