Rehabilitation Of Post-Stroke Aphasia In Ghana


Aphasia is one of the most common consequences of stroke and affects the communication and social functioning of approximately 30-35% of stroke survivors. Despite the importance of speech-language pathology (SLP) services for individuals with post-stroke aphasia, aphasia rehabilitation services in sub-Saharan Africa are riddled with challenges. Through interviews, demographic information, and syllabi reviews, we examined the SLP assessment and treatment services available for individuals with post-stroke aphasia in Ghana and the challenges the stakeholder groups encounter in providing and identifying such services. Results of the study identified challenges with the current post-stroke aphasia services in Ghana, and thus the need to improve SLP services for individuals with post-stroke aphasia in Ghana. The process of data collection itself educated respondents on the importance of rehabilitation of post-stroke aphasia; by identifying barriers, strategies to improving services can now be initiated

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