Ch. 11 - Becoming a Story: Searching for Music Educations


This short philosophical chapter borrows and diverges from Estelle Jorgensen’s In Search of Music Education. It aims to address the pertinent and defiant questions asked over two decades ago, while re-position them in light of current challenges. Following Jorgensen’s style—carefully and tactically—this chapter draws a line of flight between philosophical and policy-oriented ways of thinking, underlining some ways in which the two meet and how pertinent these encounters can be to music educators today. The chapter makes use and highlights the potential of craftly constructed epistemological familiarity and how it can engender practice. Specifically, it reminds and exemplifies to the reader how a ‘wondering disposition’ about one’s work and field, remain central to any critical practice. Specially so, in times where democratic challenges strongly challenge our social and educational environments

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