Improving Neural Sequence Labelling Using Additional Linguistic Information


Sequence Labelling is the task of mapping sequential data from one domain to another domain. As we can interpret language as a sequence of words, sequence labelling is very common in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). In NLP, some fundamental sequence labelling tasks are Parts-of-Speech Tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Chunking, etc. Moreover, many NLP tasks can be modeled as sequence labelling or sequence to sequence labelling such as machine translation, information retrieval and question answering. An extensive amount of research has already been performed on sequence labelling. Most of the current high performing models are neural network models. These Deep Learning based models are outperforming traditional machine learning techniques by using abstract high dimensional feature representations of the input data. In this thesis, we propose a new neural sequence model which uses several additional types of linguistic information to improve the model performance. The convergence rate of the proposed model is significantly less than similar models. Moreover, our model obtains state of the art results on the benchmark datasets of POS, NER, and chunking

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