Case 2 : Teleophthalmology Screening: Economic Evaluations in Health Care Decision Making


This case presents a dilemma that can happen to anyone with an intervention to offer, which they are confident would alleviate a problem they believe is worth addressing. Many public health professionals will find themselves in one of two positions. The first, a position of believing so much in a proposal but not sure of how to make it go through. The second, a position of a decision maker who would be faced with more than one needed, effective, feasible, and sustainable proposal but could implement one or a few due to limited resources. The case is meant to shed light on both situations with more focus on Dr. Hodge’s position, wanting to advocate for a teleophthalmology screening program. Through introduction of this situation the case presents vision care status in Canada, economic evaluation concepts, costeffectiveness analysis, and health care decision-making. This case would be suitable for use in a health economics course, to provide real life situations that facilitate understanding of its dominant theoretical content. Health economics is an essential aspect of decision making that can be utilized in most public health career positions. At one point or another money will be scarce and the ability to understand costs in relation to public health will be a necessary skill

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