Cost effectiveness of bilateral prophylactic mastectomy with and without different breast reconstruction techniques versus screening in women with high risk of breast cancer in the Canadian province of Ontario


We aimed to investigate the cost-effectiveness of bilateral prophylactic mastectomy (BPM) with and without different reconstruction for the purpose of determining which strategies represent value for money. We developed a decision analytic model to project the lifetime clinical and economic consequences of different strategies. The decision model was parameterized using 10-year follow up and cost data from Ontario administrative health databases and Ontario Cancer registry. Compared to the organized screening-based strategy, surgical strategies ranged from being more effective and cost-saving and up to being associated with an incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) of 63,010perqualityโˆ’adjustedlifeyear(QALY)gained,withBPMwithimmediateoneโˆ’stageacellulardermalmatrix(ADM)โˆ’assistedimplantbreastreconstructionhavingthegreatestincrementalQALYof1.157andlowestICERof63,010 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained, with BPM with immediate one-stage acellular dermal matrix (ADM)-assisted implant breast reconstruction having the greatest incremental QALY of 1.157 and lowest ICER of 9,615. BPM with immediate one-stage ADM-assisted implant breast reconstruction is the most cost-effective strategy and appears to offer the highest value for money

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