Chromatin accessibility dynamics in the Arabidopsis root epidermis and endodermis during cold acclimation


Understanding cell-type specific transcriptional responses to environmental conditions is limited by a lack of knowledge of transcriptional control due to epigenetic dynamics. Additionally, cell-type analyses are limited by difficulties in applying current technologies to single cell-types. A novel DNase-seq protocol and analysis procedure, deemed DNase-DTS, was developed to identify DHSs in the Arabidopsis epidermis and endodermis under control and cold acclimation conditions. Results identified thousands of DHSs within each cell-type and experimental condition. DHSs showed strong association to gene expression, DNA methylation, and histone modifications. A priori mapping of existing DNA binding motifs within accessible genes and the cold C-repeat/dehydration responsive element-binding factor pathway resulted in unique motif mapping patterns. In summary, a collection of endodermal and epidermal cold acclimation induced chromatin accessibility sites may be used to understand mechanisms of gene expression and to best design synthetic promoters

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