An Examination of Risk Factors for Adolescent Engagement in Directly and Indirectly Self-Injurious Behaviours


Research identifying similar and dissimilar risk factors for directly and indirectly self-injurious behaviours among adolescents is scarce. Due to the wide range of physical and mental health difficulties that may result from self-injurious behaviours, understanding differential risks is important to support at-risk adolescents. To address this gap in the literature, 541 clinically referred children and youth (ages 11-18 years old) were assessed using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Assessment (ChYMH) and Adolescent Supplement. Logistic regression analyses revealed that older adolescents were at an increased risk for both direct and indirect self-injury. Moreover, adolescents who experienced high levels of depressive symptoms, caregiver distress, and neighbourhood violence were at an increased risk for direct self-injury (i.e., nonsuicidal self-injury, suicidal self-injury). In contrast, adolescents who experienced high levels of aggressive behaviour were at an increased risk for indirect self-injury (i.e., substance use). Implications for targetted preventative and intervention strategies are discussed

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