
Bloch Oscillations in a Josephson Circuit


Bloch oscillations predicted to occur in current-biased single Josephson junctions have eluded direct observation up to now. Here, we demonstrate similar Bloch oscillations in a slightly richer Josephson circuit, the quantronium. The quantronium is a Bloch transistor with two small junctions in series, defining an island, in parallel with a larger junction. In the ground state, the microwave impedance of the device is modulated periodically with the charge on the gate capacitor coupled to the transistor island. When a current flows across this capacitor, the impedance modulation occurs at the Bloch frequency, which yields Bloch sidebands in the spectrum of a reflected continuous microwave signal. We have measured this spectrum, and compared it to predictions based on a simple model for the circuit. We discuss the interest of this experiment for metrology and for mesoscopic physics

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