Have you ever discovered an e-resource in your catalogue which was purchased months ago but still does not have a link for access? Have you received questions from requesting librarians about when they can expect access? Does it sometimes feel like requests for new products have fallen into a black hole? This session will describe how Western Libraries modified the CORAL software (developed by Notre Dame University Library) to smooth out our workflow and ensure that resources are requested, received and linked in a timely manner.
The session will include a description of how the workflow operates by alerting the correct staff member that an action is required. The session will describe how feedback was received from subject selectors and how the form went through several modifications to better meet the needs of our institution.
Although the software was originally adapted specifically for electronic resource acquisition, it has been expanded to include all resource requests in any format so that all requests come through one form. The session will be of interest to Librarians and Managers who have a role in the acquisition of material