Mild Intellectual Disability at the Postsecondary Level: Results of a Survey of Disability Service Offices


Disability Service Staff at colleges and universities in Ontario, Canada were sur-veyed regarding the number of students arriving at their offices with the label of mild intellectual disability. Information was obtained regarding criteria used in association with this label, documentation required to support the classification, and accommodations provided, as well as the types of programs in which these students enroll and their success in those programs. Results demonstrate little consistency across institutions regarding the criteria employed when making this identification, and the accommodations and supports provided. Even with sup-ports and accommodations, respondents estimated that fewer than 25% of such students are able to succeed at the postsecondary level, although a larger per-centage appear to benefit from specialized college programs. Best practice guidelines are needed with respect to assessment and diagnosis of this condition, and specialized programs may be required to address success and retention at the postsecondary level

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