More Connecting with Less Boundaries: The Ontario Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators (oCUBE) Model


Founded in 2009, the Ontario Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators (oCUBE) is an enthusiastic community of practice dedicated to enhancing the quality and experience of undergraduate biology education within Ontario universities. This consortium has grown since its inception and now supports knowledge mobilization between educators across 17 Ontario universities and colleges. Educators from diverse fields share best practices related to teaching and learning, discuss common issues such as curriculum innovation, provide supportive mentorship for new, future, and experienced faculty, and collaborate on research projects. Communication occurs via monthly online conferencing meetings, a wiki website, monthly newsletters, one-on-one interactions, and an annual UnConference (1,2). In this workshop, participants will experience the interactive UnConference format that oCUBE uses to facilitate our meetings. We will then engage the participants in an interactive simulation of the oCUBE UnConference model by inviting them to provide and select topics/questions for potential discussion , facilitate brief sessions, and scribe outcomes. By the end of the workshop, we hope that those in attendance will have gained resources that will allow them to implement our oCUBE multi-interactive model in order to facilitate knowledge mobilization and foster professional development. 1. Hamlin, K., Like a conference only better, 2. Follett, J. 2006. Understanding the Unconference,

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