An integrated knowledge translation experience: Use of the Network of Pediatric Audiologists of Canada to facilitate the development of The University of Western Ontario Pediatric Audiological Monitoring Protocol (UWO PedAMP v1.0).


The goals of this project were: (1) to determine the important factors that influence implementation of evidence-based practice by Canadian audiologists; and (2) to utilize the knowledge-to-action process (Graham et al., 2006) during the development of a guideline for outcome measures to evaluate the auditory development and performance of young children who wear hearing aids, to facilitate clinical uptake and identify barriers to implementation (Bagatto, Moodie & Scollie, 2010; Bagatto et al., 2011; Bagatto, Moodie, Seewald, Bartlett, & Scollie, 2011; Moodie, Bagatto et al., 2011; Moodie, Kothari et al., 2011). Two projects (Chapters 3 and 4) included the participation of The Network of Pediatric Audiologists of Canada. The outcome measures guideline to evaluate the auditory development and performance of young children who wear hearing aids is called The University of Western Ontario Pediatric Audiological Monitoring Protocol (UWO PedAMP). This body of work includes a chapter on knowledge translation and how it can be used to promote the clinical implementation of evidence in audiology (Chapter 3). It also includes three studies: (1) an examination of factors influencing the use of evidence by Canadian audiologists [Chapter 2]; (2) an initial evaluation by the Network of Pediatric Audiologists of Canada of the individual components considered for inclusion in the UWO PedAMP [Chapter 4]; and (3) a final evaluation by the Network audiologists of the released version of the UWO PedAMP and associated training materials [Chapter 5]. Results of the first study indicated that Canadian audiologists rate themselves as competent in finding, evaluating and using research evidence to change practice. Their greatest barriers to evidence-based practice are related to time. By partnering with Canadian audiologists and using the knowledge-to-action framework to guide us (Chapter 4), we were successful in developing the UWO PedAMP guideline into what they rated as being a high-quality, systematic, hearing aid outcome evaluation tool that improves the quality and effectiveness of audiological care received by young children with hearing loss. The results presented in Chapter 5 indicated that the UWO PedAMP is appropriate for clinical implementation, and is recommended by these Canadian audiologists as preferred audiology practice

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