
Feeding habits of the arrowtooth flounder, Atheresthes stomias, from the northeast Gulf of Alaska


Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1980The feeding habits of Atheresthes stomias from the northeast Gulf of Alaska were studied. Analysis of 558 specimens indicated that fishes, shrimp, and euphausiids were the dominant prey items. Fishes occurred in 42% of the specimens found to be feeding and contributed nearly 90% of the total prey volume. Shrimp, primarily Pandalidae, contributed approximately 6% of the total prey volume and were found in 28% of the feeding specimens. Euphausiids occurred in nearly 26% of the feeding specimens, but contributed less than 3% of the total prey volume. Feeding habits were influenced by the size of the flounder; larger specimens preyed more heavily on fishes than on crustaceans. Depth also affected the feeding habits of A. stomias. Flounders taken from depths of 150 m or less were feeding more intensively than those from deeper water. Marked differences in the diet of specimens from different sample locations were observed

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