
Slowly varying envelope kinetic simulations of pulse amplification by Raman backscattering


A numerical code based on an eikonal formalism has been developed to simulate laser-plasma interactions, specifically Raman backscatter(RBS). In this code, the dominant laser modes are described by their wave envelopes, avoiding the need to resolve the laser frequency; appropriately time-averaged equations describe particle motion. The code is fully kinetic, and thus includes critical physics such as particle trapping and Landau damping which are beyond the scope of the commonly used fluid three-wave equations. The dominant forces on the particles are included: the ponderomotive force resulting from the beat wave of the forward and backscattered laser fields and the self-consistent plasma electric field. The code agrees well, in the appropriate regimes, with the results from three-wave equations and particle-in-cell simulations. The effects of plasma temperature on RBS amplification are studied. It is found that increasing the plasma temperature results in modification to particle trapping and the saturation of RBS, even before the onset of Landau damping of the plasma wave. This results in a reduction in the coupling efficiency compared to predictions based on the three-wave equations.open192

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