
Snow Covered Pedestrian Crosswalk Enhancement Via Projected Light Demarcation


Presented to the Faculty of the University of Alaska Anchorage in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCESnow coverage of streets in Anchorage, Alaska, can visually block pedestrians and drivers from viewing painted crosswalk demarcations. This study investigates the potential of utilizing light projected onto the snow’s surface to mimic the intended demarcation of the painted demarcation during snow coverage. This is investigated via hypothetically fitting an existing crosswalk location with available-for-purchase manufactured light projectors. The configuration is then evaluated for angle of light projection, discomfort glare, and contrast. The proposed installation is found to be theoretically acceptable. However, further analysis could be performed regarding effective visual detection of contrast during driving conditions and regarding acceptable levels of disability glare.Signature Page / Title Page / Abstract / Table of Contents / List of Figures / List of Tables / Introduction / Terms and Definitions / Existing Dimensions / Proposed Projector Installation / Light Analysis / Conclusion / Reference

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