
Crystal River Properties - Rental Property Acquisition Guide


Crystal River Properties is a privately owned small business started in 2011 whose sole revenue stream relies upon rental income from company owned small multifamily (duplex and triplex) real property assets. In order for the business to expand, additional properties need to be acquired to increase revenue. Current real-estate market conditions make it financially impractical to purchase new construction properties. The most feasible alternative is to consider pre-existing properties which, if not done correctly, could expose the company to considerable financial risk. This project will research and identify methods to select prospective existing rental income properties with the greatest potential for maximum, sustainable net income based on operations and maintenance costs, marginal revenue, turnover rate and vacancy rates. The underlying objectives will used to best meet the expectations of the potential occupant segment of stakeholders. Assessment criteria will be based upon price (anticipated return on investment), location, size, age, type of construction, property condition (recent renovations), insurance and tax rates, lessons learned from past property procurements and risk analysis considerations. Consolidated results of gathered information and research will be packaged into a step-by-step user guide for income property acquisition. The guide will available in electronic PDF and hard copy format. The methodology depicted in the guide will enable a thorough evaluation of property selection alternatives against likely risks and key success criteria providing the tools necessary to acquire additional business assets in the most economical fashion while simultaneously exposing the company to the least amount of financial risk.Table of Contents / Abstract / Introduction / Project Scope, Objectives and Deliverable / Project Management / Knowledge Area Mastery Discussion / Research / Rental Property Acquisition Guide Development / Conclusions / Acknowledgements / Bibliography / References / Appendice

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