Surfacing Contexts of Violence in Novel Forms of the Reproductive Justice Framework Through Lessons from Latin America: A Study of Brutality, Migration and Bodily Autonomy and Progressive Solutions for Use in Public Health


In the last 5 years, Latin America has witnessed a tenacious wave of pañuelo verde and #NiUnaMenos activism. Sparked by increasing mortality rates associated with unsafe, clandestine abortions and femicide, the praxes and fundamental elements of these social movements have proven themselves useful not only in garnering international attention on issues relating to bodily autonomy, but in the synthesis of their respective sociopolitical solutions as well. In the United States, similar efforts have been spearheaded by the lauded reproductive justice framework, which has often been credited for centering the plight of women of color in both reproduction and social justice. In the wake of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, which most adversely impacts asylum seekers from Central America, the issues pañuelo verde and #NiUnaMenos activism have long aimed to tackle still prevail. As it stands, the “zero tolerance” policy no longer grants asylum to migrants seeking protection from threats of sexual violence, gang violence or political persecution, thereby turning a blind eye to issues of bodily autonomy altogether. Thus, this thesis proposes the recontextualization of immigration as an issue pertinent to reproductive justice. Further, the present study holds that the contexts of violence migrant Latinas face prior to entry into the United States are important grievances to redress in order to (i) prevent said sociopolitical ailments from replicating domestically, (ii) protect victims of violence-driven migration from potentially facing obstetric, domestic and sexual violence in the United States, and (iii) improve and deepen the commitment the reproductive justice framework makes to women of color in general

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