A Gender and Race Theoretical and Probabilistic Analysis of the Recent Title IX Policy Changes


On May 6th, 2020, after extensive public comment and review, the Department of Education published the final rule for the new Title IX regulations, which took effect in schools on August 14th. Title IX is the nearly fifty year old piece of the Education Amendments that prohibits sexual discrimination in federally funded schools. Several of these changes, such as the inclusion of live hearings and cross examination of witnesses, have been widely criticized by victims’ rights advocates for potentially retraumatizing victims of sexual assault and discouraging students from pursuing a Title IX claim. While the impact of the new regulations will not be known for certain any time soon, some of the consequences can be predicted using existing data and probability theory. This thesis discusses some of the common policy debates within Title IX as well as the racial dynamics of Title IX in order to frame an evaluation of these recent changes. We analyze some of the important issues in Title IX through both theoretical discussion as well as data based probability theory. We find that Title IX still centers the needs of accused students above victims of sexual violence, as demonstrated in some of the recent changes. The later parts of this thesis include an introduction to Bayesian networks, as well as an analysis of a Title IX data set through a Bayesian network we created. Finally, we hypothesize on what data is needed to properly analyze the recent changes to Title IX, and what the future of Title IX may look like under President Biden

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