Stream water and soil water chemistry after the Table Mountain wildfire, Washington, USA


Analyses of major and trace elements, major ions, and nutrient concentrations were made to investigate how stream water and soil water chemistry changed over 16 months following the Table Mountain wildfire. Sites with different burn severity were also compared. The fire occurred in 2012 in Kittitas County, north of Ellensburg, Washington. Samples were collected at severely burned, moderately burned, and unburned field sites from within and adjacent to the wildfire perimeter. Total nitrogen concentrations increased in the second year after the fire in both the severely and moderately burned sites. In contrast, total phosphorus was variable at all three sites and did not increase significantly after the fire. Major elements, trace elements, and major ion groups do not show a gradation from severely burned to moderately burned to unburned sites. However, both burned sites had soil waters with lower Ca/Mg ratios in the first year after the fire

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