Prosthetic Hand: Articulation


This group project objective was about developing a low cost articulated prosthetic hand. This project was developed in two parts: articulation and body. The development of the articulation started as a simple system that has developed into a more complex system push and pull system. The development cycle helped define the systems used in the prosthetic. The movement/articulation system needed to not only move parts of the hand but also hold objects with the appropriate gripping power. The finger also has to be able close in a reasonable amount of time. The articulation is driven by motors attached to small gearboxes. The gearbox was developed to withstand the holding forces and movements within the gearbox. The boxes and gears were designed for continuous use over time. Gears were designed to be small and light allowing speed of movement. The gearbox was developed to be made with a commonly 3D printer. The gearbox was developed to be lightweight and be easily replicated. The development cycle helped to modify the parts for better operations. The developed parts where changed in size to make the gearbox 25% smaller then original design. The rack was built to hand the linier motion and pressure from the gears. The gears hold up to 20% more pressure than the gearboxes should handle. The hand held 5 lbs. per finger, moved faster than 3.5ft/s. , and had constant repeatabilit

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