
An evaluation of the organizational communication of a performance management system in the city of Windhoek


This study evaluated how the communication of the new performance management system by the City of Windhoek influenced the beliefs of its employees and consequently to determine the effects of the communication process on the degree to which buy-in and readiness is created. Armenakis, Harris and Field's (1999) five element model of examining the change recipient's beliefs, namely, discrepancy, appropriateness, principal support, efficacy, and valence was used as a framework for this study. These beliefs play a major role in affecting behaviours of the change recipients (employees) toward the implementation of a new change initiative in an organisation. Discrepancy involves assessing if employees believe that a need for change does really exist in the organization. Appropriateness seeks to find out from the change recipients whether the performance management system being introduced in the organization is an appropriate reaction to the need and the vision of the organisation. Principal support describes the support from change agents and opinion leaders for the organizational change. Efficacy refers to a belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainments. Valence refers to the intrinsic and extrinsic attractiveness (from the change recipient's perspective) associated with the perceived outcome of the change. Literature on organizational change, organizational communication and change implementation were used, to gain and highlight insights regarding the role of change communication during change implementation, and to provide the conceptual framework for the research design and analysis. A single case study research method was used under a mixed research paradigm. The study used a survey questionnaire that was sent to 711 employees; a sufficient and representative 202 questionnaires were returned from all levels of the organization, yielding a response rate of 22.4%. In addition, three focus group interviews of a representative cross section of staff were conducted as also document analysis to collect data for the study. The summative average percentages of levels of agreements and disagreements of the respondents for each of the five change recipient's beliefs indicate a fairly high degree of agreement (buy-in) and considerably low degree of disagreement (resistance) among the respondents to nearly all five change recipient's beliefs. Discrepancy received the highest degree of agreement (buy-in) 84%; efficacy received 73%, appropriateness 66% and valence 59% whereas principal support scored the lowest degree of agreement of about 40% of the respondents. Despite the high degree of agreement (buy-in) for these elements, there was also a notable number of the respondents who neither agreed nor disagreed to some of the five change recipient's beliefs. In particular, principal support had 38%, valence had 28%, and appropriateness had 22% who neither agreed nor disagreed. The degree of disagreement (resistance) is relatively low in almost all five change recipient‟s beliefs except for principal support which indicated slightly higher levels of disagreement (19%). The results of the study indicate that the communication methods e.g., the road show, leaflets and brochures, discussions and training sessions used during the pre-implementation phase of the new performance management system influenced the change recipient‟s beliefs on the discrepancy for the new performance management system. The evidence is that these communication methods and actions helped to create a sense of urgency and the need to implement a new performance management system among employees. The new performance management system was also believed to be appropriate and its appropriateness was justified through the use of various communication methods which provided detailed explanations on how the new performance management system was different to the earlier performance appraisal system. Notwithstanding the belief in the appropriateness of the new performance management system, the study found that the absence of such a performance management system over a long period of time had cultivated a hidden but unifying shared set of values, beliefs and assumptions among employees that seem not to fit or be suitable to the demands of the new performance management system and the current challenges facing the organization. The employees themselves noted this discrepancy. Hence, they argued, there is a need to bring about new culture with new sets of values, beliefs and assumptions that will better suit and support the current demands facing the organisation and its members. The study found that although employees significantly believe that they have high levels of personal self-efficacy, the change message that was communicated to them did not in itself appear to help to create and further develop this employee self-efficacy. The change message mainly focussed on the need for training, and the design of job descriptions and technical aspects of the performance management system. The study revealed that the employees' belief in principal support of the new performance management system was that principal support was seen as less than sufficient or not as evident as they would have liked. Employees remarked that principal support was only conveyed during the initial stage of communication, thereafter, principal support from senior management was seen to have declined throughout the pre-implementation phase. Nonetheless, immediate supervisors and managers were believed to more supportive than senior management. The literature points to a lack of belief in principal support as an important cause of a loss momentum in change initiatives, which in turn may result in cynicism and greater resistance, especially by those who have vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Valence refers to the intrinsic and extrinsic attractiveness (from the change recipient's perspective) associated with the perceived outcome of the change. The results show that respondents have mixed beliefs about the personal benefits associated with the new performance management system. Thus, 63% of the respondents believe that it will benefit them, 75% believe that it will increase their self fulfilment, 68% believe that it will increase their feeling of accomplishment, 45% believe that their fringe benefit will remain the same after it is implemented, and 58% believe that they could earn high performance return. However, the result also shows that there are still many respondents who neither agree nor disagree to the presence of personal valance with regard to the new performance managements system. This study established that the use of various communication methods persuaded the majority of the City of Windhoek employees to view the new performance management system overall in a favourable light. However, interviewees criticised the communications process on the grounds that most of these methods were only used once and were not repeated, as they would have liked. Lessons on this item from other change studies are that when communicating new change initiatives, change agents should use different methods of communication and as many times as possible to influence the belief of employees. This report is structured as follows: Section 1 provides an abstract and introduction to the study. Section 1.2 presents a brief review of core theories and recent empirical studies relevant to the research problem. Section 1.3 provides a description of the research method followed in addressing aim and objectives of this study. Section 1.4 presents the results of the evaluation report and section 1.5 discusses the findings and make conclusive recommendations. Section 2 of this study complements subsection section 1.2 (in section 1) with a more detailed review of the literature on organizational change, organizational communication and change implementation. This more detailed review was conducted before the field work and write up of Section 1. The literature incorporated into Section 1 was distilled from this more detailed review. Similarly, Section 3 of this study complement subsection 1.3 (of section 1) with an extended description of the research design and research procedure followed in the study

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