
Quarterly Progress Reports Nos. 1-5, 7, 8


This report, prepared during May 1958, summarizes the analysis of over twelve months of amplitude and angular scintillation data obtained using phase-switch interferometers at 223 Mc and 456 Mc on the Cygnus and Cassiopeia radio sources. The main parameters of the equipment used are first discussed. The method of scaling the records, involving the arbitrary division of the records into four (456 Mc) or six (223 Mc) levels of activity is then described. The probability distributions of the amplitude variations, as derived using a phase-sweep interferometer, are given for the main levels of scintillation activity at 223 Mc. Values of mean fractional deviation of power, -A.P. } for the main levels of activity at 223 Mc are also given. Preliminary probability distributions of angular deviation, and values of mean angular deviation, are also given for the different levels of activity at 223 Mc. The solar-time dependence and sidereal-time (elevation angle) dependence of the scintillation activity are presented arid c6mpared with similar data from temperate latitudes. The report concludes with a section in which a recent theory of radio star scintillations^ is modified to include the effect of an elongation of the irregularities along the earth's magnetic lines of force.Air Force Contract No. AF 30(635)-2837 Project No. 5535 - Task 45774 Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss Air Force Base Rome, New YorkTABLE OF CONTENTS -- ABSTRACT -- [SECTION I] The Phase-Switch Interferometers : Main Parameters of the Equipment ; Method of Operation -- [SECTION II] Analysis of Phase-Switch Interferometer Records : Scaling of Records ; Probability of Occurrence of Different Indexes of Scintillation Activity ; Preparation of Monthly Diurnal Curve of the Mean Value A? at 223 Mc. ; Preparation of Mean Solar Time and Sidereal Time Variation of Mean -AP. at 223 Mc. ; Solar Time Dependence of the Mean Values of -4£ at 223 Mc. ; Sidereal Time Dependence of 223 Me Scintillation Activity -- Analysis of Angular Scintillation Information -- [SECTION III] Discussion of Results [SECTION IV] Adaptation to an Anisotropic Ionosphere of Booker's Formulae for Radio Star Scintillations -- [SECTION V] Proposed Program of Further Research [SUMMARY] [REFERENCES]Ye

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