
National Norms for Entering College Freshmen—Fall 1969


This report presents national normative data on the characteristics of students entering colleges as first-time, full-time freshmen in 1969. It is the fourth such annual report developed as part of the Cooperative Institutional Research Program being conducted by the Office of Research of the American Council on Education. The major purpose of this ongoing research program is to determine how students are affected by the colleges they attend (Astin, Panos, and Creager, 1966). As evidenced by the wide response to the earlier normative reports (Astin, Panos, and Creager, 1967a, 1967b; Panos, Astin and Creager, 1967; and Creager, Astin,Boruch, and Bayer, 1968), the information provided has been valuable to those engaged in guidance, counseling, administration, educational research, and manpower studies

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