
“Identity, Nation, and Revolution in Latin America.” Review of Feminism and the Legacy of Revolution: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas by Karen Kampwirth, Women, Creole Identity, and Intellectual Life in Early Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico by Magali Roy-Féquière, The Revolution Question: Feminisms in El Salvador, Chile and Cuba by Julie D. Shayne, and My Life as a Colombian Revolutionary: Reflections of a Former Guerrillera by María Eugenia Vásquez Perdomo, trans. Lorena Terando.


Women\u27s relationships to the state, to their societies, and to the construction of national discourses continue to provide topics for at-times-heated debates. On the one hand, generalizing about women in such a way as to claim that all women have a particular type of connection to political or social phenomena runs the risk of subsuming certain categories of difference—racial, ethnic, class, sexual—at the same time that it attempts to highlight gender difference. On the other hand, refusing to make any kind of statement about the issues faced by groups of women as they negotiate their relationships with the political movements, countries, and social structures surrounding them also leads to a critical dead end. Four recent books walk this tightrope in varying ways as they address the topic of gender and national construction and discourse

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