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Not AvailableDevelopment of new genotypes with high yield and acceptable level of stability is an important breeding programme. The genotype x environment interaction (GEI) was studied to find out stable high yielders in a field experiment conducted with 52 peanut genotypes for 2 years under two phosphorus levels. Combined analysis of variance showed that environment effect was a predominant source of variation followed by GEI and genotype effect. Study of the AMMI model for GEI indicated that the first three interaction principal components (IPCA1–IPCA3) were highly significant (P\ 0.01). Using these significant IPCAs, 12 AMMI stability parameters and simultaneous selection for yield and stability (SSI) were computed. SSI identified genotypes PBS-22080, PBS-22083 and Somnath as the most stable high yielders and PBS-29172 as the least stable low yield. Stability measures such as SIPC, MASI and MASV could be used to identify stable high-yielding genotypesNot Availabl

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