Not Available


Not AvailableFruits and vegetablesare currently marketed through the "open market transactionssystem" under the conventional APMC regulations.Market yardsset up under the APMC Acts are playing a vital role in terms ofpricediscovery. as well as product aggregationand disaggregation along the chain. However, the present marketing system ofhorticultural produce in the state, lacks system approach. Producershave often failed to realize expenses incurred on transportation to markets, let alone the cost of productionand capital investment, during the period of glut Fruit and vegetable growers are receiving only a small part of pricepaid by the consumers as Lion's share is being taken by chain of middlemen. The high profi.tmargin ofintermediaries is quite disproportionate to their services. In order to increase the income offarmers and promote the role of private sector in the agriculture marketing there is need to improve existing APMC's for better realization ofproducers share in consumer's rupee. Thus, it is imperativeto make our APMC more vibrant and strong in terms of infrastructure,management and transparency. It is also important to understand implicationsof FD/ in retail forwholesale marketsand traders/CAsand therein there is need for more efficient and lowercost APMC markets in the state. It is essential to facilitatedevelopment ofmarketing infrastructure through private sector investments and create avenues for alternate marketing channels for farmers forsales transactions of their produce where prices areremunerative to them.Not Availabl

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