Here I present the SiC-YiG Quantum Sensor, allowing electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies of monolayer or few nanometers thick chemical, biological or physical samples located on the sensor surface. It contains two parts, a 4H-SiC substrate with many paramagnetic silicon vacancies (V2) located below its surface, and YIG ferrimagnetic nanostripes. Spins sensing properties are based on optically detected double electron-electron spin resonance under the strong magnetic field gradient of nanostripes. Here I describe fabrication, magnetic, optical and spins sensing properties of this sensor. I show that the target spins sensitivity is at least five orders of magnitude larger than the one of standard X band EPR spectrometer, for which it constitutes, combined with a fiber bundle, a powerful upgrade for sensitive surface EPR. This sensor can determine the target spins planes EPR spectrum, their positions with a nanoscale precision of +/- 1 nm, and their 2D concentration down to 1/(20nm)2