Protein Profiling of Indegnous Common Bean Through SDS-PAGE


This activity was aimed to investigate the proteomic diversity of common bean landraces collected fromthe different ecological zones of Malakand division, KP, Pakistan. The genetic diversity was assessedthrough seed storage protein profile using SDS-PAGE of 117 landraces collected from differentecological zones of Malakand division, KP, Pakistan. The protein summaries were confirmed via SDSPAGE. The electrophoregram produced ten bands ranging from 180 to 10 kDa with Molecular WeightMarker. The electrophoregram exhibited two zones RI and RII. The R-I, contained six bands ranging insize from 180 to 34kDa and RII is comprised of 4 bands ranging in size from 33 to 10kDa.The averageGenetic Index for R-I was 17%, while for R-II, it was 27%. Among all bands, B-4 and B-5 was found tohave the greatest genetic diversity (90.59% and 88.88%, respectively). The dendrogram based on R-Iand R-II zones sorted all the landmarks into 13 and 10 clusters respectively, showed high level of GDwithin 117 landraces. High degree of Variation in protein band profile and multiple clustering validate thatin future Pakistani bean landraces will provide an abundant chance for obtaining genetically strong andstable genotype with high valued production to breeders.&nbsp;</p

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