INTRODUCTION: Bicycling is a form of physical activity that can be used for transportation as a motor vehicle alternative. Bicycling has become a popular transportation method on university campuses.
AIM: The aim of this capstone is to illustrate student residential demographics and bike count trend data, evaluate the Georgia State University Touch the Earth Bike Share program, and generate recommendations for the Georgia State University Bicycle Plan. The overall goal is to increase bicycling at Georgia State University and improve the health of the Georgia State University population.
METHODS: Multiple methods were used in this capstone. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) found the geographic location of student respondents’ residence. During the bike counts, data were collected on the age and gender of the bicyclists, and the total number of bikes at each intersection. The counts were conducted in two-hour increments on the same day during the morning and afternoon. Data was collected in the Fall 2009, Spring 2012, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, and Spring 2015 semesters. Lastly, during the Fall 2014 semester, an evaluation of the Touch the Earth Bike Share program was conducted using the Post Bike Rental Evaluation form to analyze the characteristics, use, and suggested improvements to the program.
RESULTS: The results showed the geographic census tracts of the target student population, the age, gender, and total bike counts during the morning and afternoon bike counts by location over semesters. The Touch the Earth evaluation disclosed the participants’ demographics, use of the rental bikes, and suggested improvements for recommendations to enhance the Touch the Earth Bike Share program.
DISCUSSION: Using the four components of the General Model of health program planning, an intervention was laid out with recommendations about alternative transportation, revitalizing Turner Field, and improvements and expansion suggestions to the Touch the Earth Bike Share program to increase bicycling on campus.
CONCLUSION: The findings and recommendations found in this capstone provide empirical support vital to the Georgia State University Bike Plan and the creation of a superior bicycle friendly campus