The comparison of three diagnostic tests in hydatidozis: Indirect fluoresan antibody test, indirect hemagglutination test, in-house fluoresan antibody test


Operasyonla karaciğer kist hidatiği olduğu kesinleşmiş hastalardan alınan serumları laboratuvarda kendi hazırladığımız IFA testi ve ticari olarak alınmış IFA, IHA kitleri ile çalışarak sonuçlarını karşılaştırmak.Gereç ve Yöntem: Et entegre tesislerinde kesilip karaciğerinde kist hidatik saptanan koyun karaciğerlerinde bulunan kistlerin germinal membranları ayrıldı. Frozen cihazında 8µm kalınlığında kesitler alındı ve lamlara tespit edildi. Lamlar indirekt Flöresan Antikor Tekniği ile Fluorescein-işaretli IgG globulin (Biomerieux) kullanılarak boyandı. 460-490 nm dalga boyunda flöresan mikroskobunda (Euroimmun EUROStar-1, Almanya) değerlendirildi. Ticari IFA (Euroimmun, Almanya) ve IHA (Fumouze Diagnostics, Fransa) kitleri de prosedürüne uygun olarak çalışıldı.Bulgular: Çalışılan serumların %66'sı IHAT ile, %86'sı ticari IFAT, %80'ni in-house IFAT ile pozitif bulundu.Sonuç: Buna göre IHAT'nin spesifitesi %66, sensitivitesi %100, IFAT'ın spesifitesi %86, sensitivitesi %100, in-house IFAT'ın spesifitesi %80, sensitivitesi %100 olarak bulundu. Sonuçlar arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunurken, ticari IFAT ve in-house IFAT sonuçları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı.To compare the results of the sera provided from the patients certainly diagnosed with liver cyst hydatid disease via surgery by investigating through IFA test which we prepared in the lab, and commercial IFA and IHA preparations.Materials and Methods: Germinal membranes of the cyst in sheep livers diagnosed with liver cyst hydatid and slaughtered in slauhgterhouses were seperated. The samples were cut off in size of 8 µm in a freezing device and fixed onto the lenses. The lenses were dyed with indirect Flourescent Antibody Technique using Flourescent-labelled IgG globulin (Biomerieux, France). The results were assessed under a fluorescent microscope (Euroimmun EUROstar-1, Germany) in the wavelength of 460-490 nm.Commercial IFA (Euroimmune, Germany) and IHA (Fumouze Diagnostics, France) preparations were also studied according to the procedure.Results: Within all of the sera studied, 66% were found to be positive with IHAT, 86% with commercial IFAT and 80% with in-house IFAT.Conclusion: In light of our results, the specifity and sensitivity rates of IHAT were found as 66% 100%, respectively. The same rates for IFAT were determined as 86% and 100%, respectively. For in-house IFAT, the specifity and sensitivity rates were found to be 80% and 100%, respectively. The difference between the results were found to be statistically significant, whereas the difference between the results of commercial IFAT and in-house IFAT were statistically found to be insignificant

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