Astım'lı Hastalarda Serum Aktif Oksidasyon Protein Ürünleri (AOPP Düzeyleri)


Aim: This study aims to compare the levels of serum activated oxidation protein products (AOPP) between patients with asthma and healthy controls and to investigate a possible relationship between AOPP levels and disease duration and laboratory results. Material and Method: Total of 54 subjects including 34 asthma patients and 20 healthy controls who were admitted to Kırıkkale Yüksek Ihtisas Hospital Chest Disease Policlinic and Yenimahalle State Hospital Chest Disease Outpa- tient Clinic were included. The levels of serum AOPP were compared between the groups. A statistically significant relationship between AOPP levels and comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, etc), leukocyte counts, sedimentation rates, C-reactive protein levels, and hemoglobin levels were investigated. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in serum AOPP levels between the patient group and con- trols (75.61 32.22 µM and 73.23 20.87 µM). No statistically significant relationship was observed between serum AOPP levels and duration of asthma, the presence of comorbidities, leukocyte counts, sedimentation rates, C - reac- tive protein, and hemoglobin levels among the patients with asthma and healthy controls. Conclusion: We conclude that further large-scale controlled studies are required to establish the definite role of serum AOPP levels, a novel indicator of oxidative stress, in patients with asthma.Ama

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