A general analysis of the animals brought to he Clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Faculty of Vetrinary, University of Ankara Between years 1987-2001


Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Doğum ve Jinekoloji Kliniğine 1987-2001 yılları arasında 12782 hayvan getirilmiştir. Bu hayvanların %28.64'ünü sığır (%26.74 inek, %1.90 düve), %32.46'sını köpek, %33.54'ünü kedi, %2.48'ini koyun, %1.34'ünü keçi, %1.04'ünü kanatlı, %0.20'sini manda, %0.17'sini tavşan ve %0.14'ünü kısrak oluşturmuştur. Ocak, Mart ve Nisan aylarında daha fazla hastanın geldiği belirlenmiştir. En fazla hasta 1994 yılında (%8.62), en az hasta ise 2000 yılında (% 4.93) getirilmiştir.Totally 12782 animals were brought to the Clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Faculty of Veterinary, University of Ankara between years 1987-2001. 26.74% of this animals were cows, 1.90% were heifers, 32.46% were dogs, 33.54% were cats, 2.48% were sheep, 1.34% were goats, 1.04% were poultry, 0.20% were water buffalo, 0.17% were rabbits and 0.14% were mares. It was detected that more animals were brought to the clinics in January, March and April. The maximum number of cases was seen in 1994 (8.62%), the minimum was in 2000 (4.93 %)

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