Improving Community Understanding of Lyme Disease Prevention and Treatment in the Age of Misinformation in Digital Media


Approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the CDC annually, but the CDC estimates that 300,000 individuals in the US become infected. The average cost of Lyme disease is 3,000perpatientoverthecourseofthediseasecostingtheUShealthcaresystemapproximately3,000 per patient over the course of the disease costing the US healthcare system approximately 1 billion per year (712m712m – 1.3b). An additional $1 billion is spent annually on treating post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome. Despite the prevalence of Lyme disease and the availability of credible patient education materials, misconceptions and knowledge gaps are still evident among community members, media sources, and some providers. There is a need for continued community education and recommendations for evidence-based treatment for this disease.

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