Investigation of Theileria annulata and Theileria buffeli/orientalis in cattle from Kirikkale – Turkey by reverse line blotting analyses


This study was aimed at determining the prevalence of T. annulata and T. buffeli/orientalis species in cattle from Kirikkale province using reverse line blotting (RLB) and comparing the results with microscopy. Blood samples were collected from 294 cattle from 9 districts of Kirikkale (Centre, Bahsili, Baliseyh, Celebi, Delice, Karakecili, Keskin, Sulakyurt and Yahsihan) between May-October 2010. From cattle that has at least grazed once and over one year old of age. A blood smear from ear tip peripheral blood was prepared and a venous blood sample from jugular vein was taken. Blood smears were inspected and documented for the presence of Theileria spp. piroplasms after Giemsa staining. Venous blood samples were used for extraction of DNA for Reverse Line Blotting (RLB) analyses. Out of 294 samples analyzed 44 (15%) were found to have Theileria spp. piroplasms with microscopic examination, while 77 (26.1%) harbored T. annulata as determined by RLB. In none of the samples T. buffeli/orientalis was detected. The prevalence of Theileria spp. and T. annulata was highest in Keskin district. This study presents the first investigation of Theileria species in cattle from Kirikkale province. © 2016, Israel Veterinary Medical Association. All rights reserved

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