Training: Key in Recognizing Potential Trafficking Victims in a Healthcare Setting


Background • Human Trafficking (HT) is a crime that involves exploiting a person for labor, services, or commercial sex. • HT can happen in any industry, to persons of any gender, age, economic status, religion, and nationality. • In FY 2018, service agencies in the State of Vermont submitted over 180 reports of HT. • HT has a profound negative impact on survivors’ physical and mental health. • 25-88% of HT victims interact with a healthcare professional while they are being exploited. • Providers have cited a lack of confidence and knowledge on HT as a major barrier to proper care of potential victims, stemming from a lack of adequate training. • There is a need to assess healthcare workers’ knowledge in recognizing and providing appropriate care and options to potential victims of HT. Objectives • Assess awareness of University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) and affiliated primary care staff and providers regarding the recent implementation of a UVMMC policy on providing support to victims of HT. • Understand current behaviors of staff and providers when providing care to a patient suspected of being a victim of HT.

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