
The Impacts of Preconception Nutrition on Pregnancy: An educational module promoting preconception care


Recent research has shown that maternal overweight and obesity (OW/OB) prior to conception are directly and independently associated with negative outcomes in pregnancy, birth, infancy, childhood, and beyond. The purpose of this project was to create and evaluate educational materials for providers who work with women of childbearing age, in order to encourage and facilitate conversations about the importance of preconception nutrition in family planning. A literature review was conducted, and from it two documents were created: 1) an educational module for providers offering background information, relevant research, and tips for discussing the matter with patients; and 2) an infographic-style handout, written in lay language, for providers to use directly with patients. These materials were presented to 16 practitioners, and the efficacy of the materials was assessed using pre- and post-intervention surveys, in addition to qualitative feedback. Responses indicated that the educational materials were positively received by the participants, and the vast majority of participants planned to increase or enhance their discussions of this important topic as a result of the module. Given the current national overweight and obesity epidemic, such efforts could have wide-reaching impacts on health outcomes. This project, while small, indicates that further such educational efforts for providers are warranted

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