
Referral Patterns Between Allopathic Physicians and Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners


Introduction and Objectives: The provision of basic healthcare in the United States may be viewed considering two different, and sometimes combined, therapeutic approaches: •Allopathic/osteopathic medicine •Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) Our study is interested in the intersection of allopathic medicine and CAM. Evidence suggests that Americans are seeking CAM at a similar or even a higher rate than allopathic medicine, yet there seems to be a division between practitioners of each discipline. Isthis division created by a lack of coordination, such as an inadequately established referral system, or by a general lack of knowledge, or by the attitudes of the practitioners? In our study our objectives were: ? To assess the referral patterns between allopathic and CAM practitioners in Chittenden County. ? To examine the various factors that may influence these referral patterns using confidential surveys.

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