Indigenous and traditional musics in the school classroom : a re-evaluation of the South African Indigenous African Music (IAM) curriculum


Musical ideals set by European standards and values, entrenched through colonial oppression and promoted by the continued veneration of Western culture need to be re-evaluated. Despite the intention of the ANC government, through the Department of Basic Education's Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement music curricula, to integrate Indigenous Knowledge and musics into the South African classroom, evidence shows that opportunities to do so are not seized. With reference to the proclaimed values of an African sensibility in the model of the South African music education curriculum, the history of its development and the current pedagogical movement towards transformation in the production of knowledge and the inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge (IK), this thesis questions why teachers in government schools in South Africa are not executing the Indigenous African Music (IAM) syllabus in the CAPS FET music curriculum. Taking the history of music education and the development of curriculum models and frameworks into account, it interrogates what strategies could improve the application of the current music curriculum in government schools in South Africa. These questions are addressed in the thesis by way of a discussion of the music curriculum and what its praxis in the classroom reveals about its efficacy, through observations and personal experiences, the observations of teachers and student teachers, a comparison with the experience in Zimbabwe, and an analysis of the music curriculum as it is currently devised and implemented. Straddling three methodological approaches, namely the ethnographic, the autoethnographic and the action research approach this study finds that the CAPS FET music curriculum does provide realistic opportunities to engage with African Indigenous and traditional music. This, however, is dependent upon the training of the teacher, facilities available in the classroom and the prior knowledge of the learner. A fundamental flaw of this curriculum is the approach to practical assessment of Indigenous and traditional African musics and the lack of assessment criteria and practical guidelines. In addition, the findings suggest that the fault regarding implementation of the curriculum lies in the training of students (who become teachers) at tertiary level, where an integrated approach to skills development regarding Indigenous African music is suggested

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