Cytogenetic relationships in three varieties of Tigridia pavonia (L.f.) DC


Background: Tigridia pavonia (L.f.) DC is a wild species with great ornamental value, of which nine plant varieties are known. Within the evolutionary process of this species, Penélope has been considered a natural hybrid, product of the cross between the varieties Trinidad and Dulce. Objective: In the present study, the cytogenetic relationships among Trinidad, Dulce and Penélope were analyzed. Methodology: The karyotype of the varieties Trinidad and Penélope was determined through classic cytogenetics and the physical mapping of the genes 5s and 45s rDNA through Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization. Results: The results showed for the first time the karyotype and the physical mapping of the genes 5s and 45s rDNA in the varieties Trinidad and Penélope. Implications: The information generated can be the basis for future evolutionary analyzes, and / or breeding programs in the species. Conclusion: A higher cytogenetic similarity of Penélope with Trinidad and Dulce has been revealed, suggesting that the latter may be the parents.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

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