
Metal-to-glass ratio and the Magneto-Impedance of glass-covered CoFeBSi microwires at high frequencies


High frequency [1-500 MHz] measurements of the Magneto-Impedance (MI) of glass-covered Co69.4_{69.4}Fe3.7_{3.7}B15.9_{15.9}Si11_{11} microwires are carried out with various metal-to-wire diameter ratios. A twin-peak, anhysteretic behaviour is observed as a function of magnetic field. A maximum in ΔZ/Z\Delta Z/Z appears at different values of the frequency ff, 125, 140 and 85 MHz with the corresponding diameter ratio pp = 0.80, 0.55 and 0.32. We describe the measurement technique and interpret our results with a thermodynamic model that leads to a clearer view of the effects of pp on the maximum value of MI and the anisotropy field.Comment: 5 pages and 6 figure

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