Hypermucoviscous Klebsiella syndrome it\u27s in the community!


Hypermucoviscous Klebsiella syndrome is a unique syndrome caused by a new variant of Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP), characterized by abscess formation at distant body sites. This emerging KP strain is different from the usual classic strains in having the rmp gene which increases capsule formation making this strain resistant to phagocytosis and helping in its dissemination to distant organs. A 50 years old diabetic man presented with facial swelling after dental procedure which progressively increased despite being on antibiotics. On examination he was febrile, had neck swelling with signs of inflammation and tender hepatomegaly. Ultrasonography showed submental and liver abscesses which were subsequently drained and both cultures isolated KP with hypermucoid colonies on agar plate and a positive string test indicating the presence of this new hypervirulent strain of KP. Therefore, a diagnosis of Hypermucoviscous Klebsiella syndrome should be considered in all patients who present with KP infection with multiple organ abscesses.

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